Your Security Procurement Partner

Security Procurement Services was founded with the goal of helping organizations save time and money, and simplify the experience of physical security implementation.

Our Mission

We’re here to help.

Deciding what products, vendors, and services to use for your organization’s security is an extremely important, and also difficult decision. With an assortment of never-ending options, and constantly changing technology, working with experts is valuable to guarantee a solution that fits your organization. 

When using Security Procurement Services as your procurement partner, we will be able to save you from all of the headaches and questions that come with choosing a new security system and vendor. Outsource the time and energy needed to build a design, evaluate suppliers, and manage the project. SPS will ensure that your organization’s best interests are aways at the top of mind. We will make sure that all solutions are tailored to your needs, built for future growth and change, and using the most effective technology. 


Let’s Work Together.

At SPS we are committed to helping our partners navigate the difficulties of security procurement. Contact us to learn how we can make your project easier.